Presbyopia Correction in Queens, NY

Currently, there are many correction options for patients with presbyopia
Presbyopia Correction
Presbyopia is a progressive condition that occurs around the age of 40 and affects near vision. This occurs because the lens in the back of the eye becomes less elastic and flexible over time, therefore decreasing focusing power. Currently, there are many correction options for patients with presbyopia. The simplest method is a pair of reading glasses, but patients who do not want to wear glasses have more options today than ever before.
Monovision is a method of vision correction where one eye is corrected for distance and one eye is corrected for near. The image coming from each eye to the brain is combined to give the patient good distance and near vision. This can be achieved with contact lenses or laser vision correction.
Multifocal Contact Lenses
Another approach is to fit the patient with multifocal contact lenses, a type of bifocal contact lens that corrects for both distance and near. In the correct candidate multifocal contact lenses are an excellent option of presbyopia correction.
Refractive Lens Exchange
Refractive Lens exchange is another surgical option for the treatment of presbyopia.